Company Overview | Architectural and Industrial Component Hardware | Japanese Manufacturer | LAMP | Sugatsune Global

Company Profile /
Business Location

Sugatsune HQ Top

Company Profile

Company Name Sugatsune Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Headquarters Tokyo, Japan
Founded February 11, 1930
Capital ¥400,000,000
Number of Employees 515 (January, 2023)
Business Segment Furniture fittings, Architectural hardware, Decorative hardware, Various import hardware, Industrial components hardware, IT industrial components, Custom-made items, Lighting part metal, Furniture metal, Fixtures furniture

Office Information

Sugatsune Global Headquarters
Tokyo Office and Showroom
**For inquiries about LAMP products, please contact the Sugatsune Export Department in Japan.
  • Tel: +81-3-3866-2260
  • Fax: +81-3-3866-4447
  • E-mail:
  • 1-8-11 Higashikanda, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-8633,Japan

Sales Area Map

*Sales areas in green are managed by the Headquarters' Export Dept. in Tokyo, Japan.

 Sugatsune Japan (HQ)*
 Sugatsune America
 Sugatsune Canada
 Sugatsune UK
 Sugatsune Europe
 Sugatsune India
 Sugatsune Shanghai
 Sugatsune Korea

Global Offices

Sugatsune Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Global Headquarters (Export Dept.)
Tokyo Showroom
Sugatsune America, Inc.
Los Angeles Main Office
Chicago Midwest Distribution Center
Sugatsune Canada, Inc.
Montreal Office
Sugatsune Kogyo (UK) Limited
Reading Office
Reading Showroom
Sugatsune Europe GmbH
Düsseldorf Office
Düsseldorf Showroom
Sugatsune Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Office
Shanghai Showroom
Guangzhou Office
Guangzhou Showroom
New Showroom Open March 2024
Sugatsune Kogyo India Private Limited
Mumbai Office
Mumbai Showroom
Delhi Office
Delhi Display Studio
Sugatsune Korea Co., Ltd.
Incheon Office
Newly Opened! (June 2022)
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