Strumenti di ricerca del prodotto

Uno strumento di selezione per i prodotti
Motion Design Tec Product Selection Tool
The MDT Selection Tool helps you easily find the right hardware for your needs, including torque hinges, dampers, and stays. By entering details like door size and weight, the tool automatically selects compatible products, such as hinges that hold firmly in place or stays that close gently. Performance details like torque and operating force are clearly visualised with graphs, making it easy to compare options. 
Strumento di selezione per cardine a scomparsa HES
Puoi trovare rapidamente le migliori cardini a scomparsa per il tuo progetto. Inserisci le specifiche della porta e alcune condizioni. È disponibile anche il calcolatore del peso della porta.
Pocket Door System Selection Tool
Pocket Door System
Effortlessly choose the optimal pocket door hardware for your needs and space by specifying various conditions of the pocket door. Calculate the required door clearance when attaching handles, and download installation dimension diagrams.
Selection Tool for Glass Door Hinges
Selection Tool for Glass Door Hinges
Use the “Search by Installation Conditions” to find the product that is right for your project by using a wide range of search criteria such as the shape, colour, function, and door dimensions. If you’d like to know if you can utilise a specific product, use the “Search by Product” calculator to determine if it will meet your needs.
Calcolatore del peso della porta
Questo strumento di selezione esegue automaticamente i calcoli del peso in base al materiale o alla densità immessa manualmente. Esso rende molto più facile la ricerca delle cerniere. Provalo oggi.

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